
Model:zeroconf-pta v.1 (PTA)
Parameter(s)T = 200
Property:incorrect (prob-reach)
Invocation (default)
mcsta/modest mcsta zeroconf-pta.jani -E T=200 --props incorrect -O out.txt Minimal --unsafe --es -S Memory --no-partial-results --alg OptimisticValueIteration --epsilon 5e-2 --width 5e-2 --relative-width
Return code:0
Relative Error:0.008689037255037939
zeroconf-pta.jani:model: info: zeroconf-pta is a PTA model.
zeroconf-pta.jani:variables[2]: info: Expanding variable "s" into 3 locations in automaton "sender".
zeroconf-pta.jani:variables[6]: info: Expanding variable "e" into 3 locations in automaton "environment".
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Need 16 bytes per state.
zeroconf-pta.jani: info: Explored 498 states for T=200.

Peak memory usage: 50 MB
Analysis results for zeroconf-pta.jani
Experiment T=200

+ State space exploration
  State size:  16 bytes
  States:      498
  Transitions: 616
  Branches:    641
  Rate:        11857 states/s
  Time:        0.0 s

+ Property incorrect
  Probability: 0.001312822756496644
  Bounds:      [0.0012813361966634706, 0.0013443093163298175]
  Time:        0.0 s

  + Essential states
    Iterations:       3
    Essential states: 48
    Transitions:      86
    Branches:         111
    Time:             0.0 s

  + Optimistic value iteration
    Total iterations:  6
    Verif. attempts:   1
    Verif. iterations: 1
    Final epsilon:     0.05
    Time:              0.0 s

Exported results to file "/out.txt".	
The Modest Toolset (, version v3.1.42-gb5e9d523c.